EURO-BURMA OFFICE ADDB Inc – Canada, Euro-Burma Office – Belgium, EBO Foundation – Chiang Mai
Funding application
EBO Myanmar welcomes proposals from any organisations working towards the promotion of democracy in Myanmar. EBO is committed to remaining responsive to the changing needs of organisations. Therefore, proposals can be submitted at any time during the year and will be considered by the Projects Committee on a regular basis.
All projects must uphold and promote democratic values and human rights. These include inclusive and non-discriminatory policies and practices. A focus is promoting the participation of disenfranchised communities. See the list of prioritary areas below.
To apply for EBO funding, using the following application forms are compulsory for all applicants:
Application form for any project (in English or Burmese).
All projects (including media) must also fill up this Budget Template using this EBO format which is compulsory for all applicants:
Budget template for all project proposals (in English or Burmese).
Once filled up, send your application form and the budget template (2 documents) to this email address: [email protected]
If you do not receive an e-mail of confirmation within 3 days, please re-send your proposal.
Proposals should demonstrate relevance to at least one of the activity areas of the EBO below:
- Strategic analysis, policy recommendations, briefings and news to the Burmese democracy movement and the international community.
- Strengthening of democratic practices and institutions within the current power configuration
- Encouraging dialogue processes among different stakeholders (e.g. local authorities with local populations, CSOs with political leaders, etc.)
- Support for the development and empowerment of civil society in Myanmar:-Support to the capacity development of civil society through the provision of basic democracy and human rights education, as well as support to civilian empowerment programmes.-Support for internships and scholarship programmes for civil administrators and civil society actors, especially women, youth and the disenfranchised.-Support for independent media, particularly ethnic media as a way to include these smaller communities in the democracy movement and also help them to preserve their languages and cultures.
- Support for consultations and infrastructures which broaden and deepen consensus on peace in Myanmar in order to prevent a return to armed conflict and encourage equal participation of disenfranchised communities.
All selected partners will be asked to abide by EBO/ADDB Code of Conduct: Read the Code of Conduct in Burmese or English.

Copyrights for icons used on this page: The Noun Project: Yamini Chandra, Pham Thi Dieu Linh, Aha-Soft, Elliot Midson.