EURO-BURMA OFFICE ADDB Inc – Canada, Euro-Burma Office – Belgium, EBO Foundation – Chiang Mai
Myanmar junta begins recruiting women for active military service
Source: Radio Free Asia
Myanmar’s ruling military junta has begun initial steps to draft women for active military service, residents said, showing the military’s desperation to replenish its ranks amid a series of battlefield defeats
By RFA Burmese and Nang Hseng Phoo
Singapore-listed Interra Resources supplying Myanmar junta with oil, fuelling war crimes
Source: Justice for Myanmar
Interra Resources Limited owns 60% of Goldpetrol Joint Operating Company Inc., which supplied 2.3 million barrels of oil to Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) from January 2021 to the end of 2023.
Press Release and Investigation | Justice for Myanmar
Myanmar’s Resistance-Led Nation-Building Has Begun: The International Community Must Fully Support
Source: Special Advisory Council for Myanmar
As the Myanmar military crumbles, the international community must take urgent action to protect civilians from grave military atrocities and support the resistance-led nation-building effort already underway in Myanmar
Statement | Special Advisory Council for Myanmar
Myanmar’s “failed junta” turns five
Source: The Interpreter | The Lowy Institute
The regime is in deep trouble but it is best not to be too optimistic about an early resolution of the conflict.
By Andrew SELTH, Adjunct Professor at the Griffith Asia Institute, at Griffith University, Brisbane
Illegal language school raided on Koh Phangan
Source: Bangkok Post
Police and local administrative officials found the school operating inside Koh Phangan International Church on Tuesday, Pol Maj Charoenchai Boonkliang, an investigative inspector of Surat Thani police, said on Wednsday.
By Supapong Chaolan
Myanmar’s Four-Year Nightmare: A Call for Global Justice and Action
Source: International Policy Digest
Despite the unrelenting struggle for democracy, the international community’s response has been tepid and insufficient. The need to amplify calls for justice, advocate for Aung San Suu Kyi’s freedom, and restore democracy in Myanmar has never been more urgent.
By Paul Newman; Amaya Valcárcel
Anwar’s ASEAN: A peaceful future at risk
Source: The Jarkarta Post
Anwar’s appointment of Hun Sen and Shinawatra suggests there is a disconnect between his words and actions.
By Mu Sochua (The Jakarta Post)
Fresh Rohingya influx will deteriorate the refugee crisis
Source: The Daily Star
World leaders must address renewed concerns over funding
Editorial | The Daily Star
NSPNC and working group of political parties discuss key issues on Jan 23-24
Source: Eleven Media Group
On the first day of the meeting, the NSPNC Chairman discussed the status of discussions with political parties on the provisions of the 2008 Constitution that should be amended
By Eleven Media Group
AAPP and DIGNITY Launch Groundbreaking Report on Post-Imprisonment Challenges in Burma
Source: Assistance Association for Political Prisoners of Burma
The report highlights the compounding impact of arbitrary arrest, torture, imprisonment, and post-release oppression under Burma’s military junta.
Press Release | Assistance Association for Political Prisoners of Burma (AAPP) and DIGNITY
Trump Order Suspends Healthcare in Refugee Camps
Source: Burma News International
Healthcare services in refugee camps along the Thailand-Myanmar border run by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) were suspended on 27 January 2025
By Karen Information Center
CHO Mobile Clinics Operating in Paletwa Township
Source: Burma News International
The Chin Health Organisation (CHO) has recently started operating mobile health clinics in the areas of Chin State’s Paletwa Township that are administered by the Paletwa Council.
By Chin World
ASEAN should break tradition for vital change
Source: Asia News Network
Concerning the ongoing civil war in Myanmar, Malaysian former foreign minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Abdullah said that under certain circumstances, ASEAN needs to put aside its policy of non-interference.
By Tarrance Tan | The Star
Major takeaways from Langkawi
Source: Bangkok Post
Beyond the mundane 44 paragraphs of the Chairman’s Statement of the Asean Ministers’ Retreat in Langkawi, there are crucial elements worth mentioning and following up on.
By Kavi Chongkittavorn, veteran journalist on regional affairs
Myanmar Resistance Forces Resume Assault on Junta Holdouts in Indaw
Source: Irrawaddy
People’s Defense Force groups (PDFs) resumed their offensive against the last junta position in Indaw town in northern Sagaing Region on Monday
By Irrawaddy
Ethnic rebels seize key airport in northern Myanmar
Source: Radio Free Asia
The Bhamo Airport serves as a critical hub for delivering supplies and food to junta troops.
By RFA Burmese
Arakan Army captures junta camp on road to central Myanmar
Source: Radio Free Asia
The AA is probing areas to the east and south of Rakhine state after taking over most of it.
By RFA Burmese
Myanmar Junta to Evacuate Elite Military Academies to Naypyitaw
Source: Irrawaddy
The military regime plans to evacuate the Defense Services Academy (DSA) and Defense Services Technological Academy (DSTA) from Mandalay Region’s Pyin Oo Lwin as fighting from neighboring Shan State comes closer.
By Irrawaddy
Myanmar in 2025: Change or Plus ça Change?
Source: FULCRUM | ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute
Despite hopes for change, things may stay the same or worsen in Myanmar, as the junta’s fight against resistance groups and civilians continues into another year.
By Kyaw Yin Hlaing; Kyi Sin; Jared Bissinger; Su Mon Thazin Aung; Moe Thuzar
Residents Demand a Transparent and Fair Taxation Policy
Source: Kantarawaddy Times
In Karenni State, township administration councils have begun collecting taxes, but residents in Demoso Township express a desire for more straightforward and fair taxation policies. Even after paying the taxes, we still have to contribute to armed groups
By Kantarawaddy Times
KNU begins issuing Kawthoolei registration cards in Hpapun district
Source: Mizzima
The Karen National Union (KNU) has started issuing Kawthoolei registration cards to residents in areas under Brigade 5’s control in Hpapun District, Karen State, according to KNU Spokesperson Padoh Saw Kler Say.
By Mizzima
Exposing atrocities against children and education in Myanmar
Source: Mizzima
Human Rights Myanmar has submitted two reports to UN bodies covering the devastating impacts of Myanmar’s ongoing armed conflict on children and education.
By Mizzima
Junta ‘Thieves Column’ Ransacks Lawksawk Township Houses
Source: Burma News International
Locals have nicknamed a junta column operating in and around Kyaukgu Village in Lawksawk (Yatsauk) Township, southern Shan State the ‘thieves column’ because they have ransacked so many empty homes.
By Shan Herald Agency for News
Political prisoners in Myanmar ‘suffering from malnutrition’
Source: Democratic Voice of Burma
Around 20 political prisoners at Loikaw Prison are suffering from malnutrition as a result of cuts to food rations, and restrictions on family visitations, according to the Karenni Political Prisoners Association (KPPA), a civil society group that monitors prisons in Karenni State.
By English Editor
CHINA’S HEAVY-HANDEDNESS: Imposition of China’s will against the Myanmar people’s aspirations
Source: Shan Herald Agency for News
No doubt, China is going to help the SAC with its election plan as China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning again reiterated in her statement recently support of election emphasizing the military-drafted 2008 constitution as a basis.