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Burma’s Army accused of chemical weapons use

Source: MercatorNet

For decades the Myanmar military has been accused of using chemical weapons, with recent allegations from ethnic resistance groups like the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)

By Antonio Graceffo, China economic analyst 

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AA Admits Killing of Myanmar Junta Captives

Source: Irrawaddy

“Our militias could not control their anger when they captured terrorist soldiers who had arbitrarily arrested, tortured and killed their relatives. So they committed the killings as a form of retaliation, violating military discipline. 

By Irrawaddy

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Five Years On – World Court Orders to Protect the Rohingya Still Being Ignored

Source: Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK

A new report by Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK, ‘The Genocide Never Stopped – Five Years on From the World Court’s Order to Protect the Rohingya’, provides a detailed legal analysis of ongoing violations of the ICJ’s provisional measures order to prevent genocide. 

Media Reease | Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK

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NUG Cybercrime Statement Supported by KNU

Source: Burma News International

The NUG statement said that “the Myanmar military, along with its Border Guard Forces, militias and its allies, is directly involved in providing security for and facilitating” cyber-scam centres and even “actively partnering with the criminals involved.”

By Karen Information Center

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Toll on revolutionary forces mounts in Myanmar

Source: Mizzima

The ongoing conflict in Myanmar continues to exact a devastating toll. The Spring Revolution Database (SRD) research group reported that 1,144 members of the revolutionary forces lost their lives in 2024, bringing the total number of casualties since the 2021 coup to 5,005.

By Mizzima

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