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Attack on Consulate in Myanmar Rattles China

Source: Irrawaddy

This is the first time since the military-led coup in Myanmar in February 2021 and the second time since 1967 that a Chinese diplomatic mission has been attacked in the Southeast Asian nation. The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar was attacked for the first time during anti-Chinese riots 57 years ago.

Vaishali Basu Sharma 

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KIA Seizes Town on Chinese Border

Source: Irrawaddy

KIA spokesman Colonel Naw But told The Irrawaddy that its troops took complete control of Phimaw on Saturday after seizing the junta-allied Border Guard Force (BGF) Battalion 1001 headquarters, the militia’s final stronghold on the Chipwi-Phimaw road.


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Myanmar’s New Network Insurgency

Source: Irrawaddy

There are hundreds of strands of research to undertake on armed-group formation, but three broad features stand out, two positive and one negative—alliance building and a military-civilian fusion, and the anti-network zone of Central Myanmar.

Commentary | David Scott Mathieson

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Global Action Can End the Junta’s Violence

Source: Progressive Voice Myanmar

“It’s time for the world to step up and act on the Myanmar people’s calls to end the junta’s violence. How much more brutality must the people of Myanmar endure for the world to take their lives seriously and prove it through concrete action?

Weekly Highlight | Progressive Voice

The Creation of New Constituent Units in the Myanmar Context

Source: Shan Herald Agency for News

In a fast-evolving landscape, Sai Wansai argues in this commentary that discussions need to intensify now to the challenges of constitutional change and ethno-political reform if inclusive solutions are to be found. Ethnic rights and justice are essential for future peace and stability.

Sai Wansai

Charity Leader Arrested in Junta Raid in Mandalay

Source: Irrawaddy

Around 20 plainclothes junta personnel arrived in civilian cars at the head office of Parahita Min Kaung a.k.a. M-Rescue in Aung Chantha village in Patheingyi Township, sources said. They arrested M-Rescue chairman U Khin Maung Tint and seven others including a 14-year-old child.
