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Families, friends commemorate soldiers who died fighting Myanmar junta
Source: Radio Free Asia
Members of the Karenni community in Demoso in Kayah state commemorated soldiers who died fighting the Myanmar military at a secret cemetery with about 200 graves.
RFA Staff
Myanmar Junta-Linked Businessmen Head to China Ahead of Min Aung Hlaing’s Visit
Source: Irrawaddy
Kyaw Win, the founder of media, bank and real estate conglomerate Shwe Than Lwin Group, and Xiao Sen, a Chinese businessman behind a controversial Yangon city expansion project under the miliary proxy U Thein Sein administration in 2014, are among those making the trip, sources familiar with the matter said.
Myanmar detains trafficking gang using Facebook, TikTok to lure girls to China
Source: The Nation
Chinese and Myanmar nationals who organized a human trafficking gang to convince young girls to become Chinese wives through Facebook and TikTok have been arrested in Mandalay, sources said.
The Nation
From Shared Past to Uncertain Future: India’s Strategic Calculus in a Coup-Stricken Myanmar
Source: India Foundation
The Western policies have almost over the years coerced Myanmar to look towards China and Russia for support.
Rami Niranjan Desai
Attack on Consulate in Myanmar Rattles China
Source: Irrawaddy
This is the first time since the military-led coup in Myanmar in February 2021 and the second time since 1967 that a Chinese diplomatic mission has been attacked in the Southeast Asian nation. The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar was attacked for the first time during anti-Chinese riots 57 years ago.
Vaishali Basu Sharma
Purging Predecessors: Inside the Ruthless Playbook of Myanmar’s Dictators
Source: Irrawaddy
This is hardly unusual: Than Shwe arrested Ne Win’s grandchildren. Likewise, Min Aung Hlaing arrested his son-in-law as soon as his power was challenged. The next military chief will arrest Min Aung Hlaing’s children if his power is threatened.”
Analysis | Maung KAVI
BPLA ENTERING ANYAR: Will Maung Saungkha energize the Bamar revolutionary groups or create more frictions?
Source: Shan Herald Agency for News
“One thing I want to inform the people is that the BPLA will soon be able to settle in the Anyar area and start operations. We believe and hope that the people of Anyar will welcome us,” informed Maung Saungkha through his social network page.
Two Myanmar junta majors lead defection of 61 soldiers to National Unity Government
Source: Mizzima
On 1 November, Myanmar’s National Unity Government (NUG), the country’s opposition, announced that 61 personnel from junta forces, including two military majors, had defected to join the resistance.
KIA Seizes Town on Chinese Border
Source: Irrawaddy
KIA spokesman Colonel Naw But told The Irrawaddy that its troops took complete control of Phimaw on Saturday after seizing the junta-allied Border Guard Force (BGF) Battalion 1001 headquarters, the militia’s final stronghold on the Chipwi-Phimaw road.
Forgotten Fronts: Why British colonial policy was the bane of Muslims in Myanmar
Source: The Tufts Daily
Colonial influences play a large role in the current ethnic cleansing taking place in the Rakhine State
Alex Degterev
Myanmar delegations depart for New Delhi for lecture meeting
Source: NP News
The invitees involve National Democratic Force, People’s Pioneer Party, People’s Party, Arakan Front Party, and Naga Party from the political parties; 7 EAOs group, NSPNC and the CPR.
NP News
Online Incitement, Ground Warfare: The Deadly Consequences of Digital Terror
Source: Democratic Voice of Burma
Throughout the first six months of 2024, from January to June, pro-military Telegram accounts and channels have been actively spreading hate speech aimed at inciting violence.
Investigation Report | Democratic Voice of Burma
Junta airstrikes lay waste to civilian lives in Myanmar’s Karenni State
Source: Voice of America
In a crowded church filled with mourners on September 6, a young high school teacher sat among friends, her face streaked with tears as she gazed at the makeshift shrouds covering the small bodies laid out before her.
Ingyin Naing
Myanmar’s New Network Insurgency
Source: Irrawaddy
There are hundreds of strands of research to undertake on armed-group formation, but three broad features stand out, two positive and one negative—alliance building and a military-civilian fusion, and the anti-network zone of Central Myanmar.
Commentary | David Scott Mathieson
USCIRF Releases Report on Religious Freedom in Burma
Source: United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
This report highlights military and political developments within Burma, attacks on religious communities, conditions for various refugee populations
Report | USCIRF
‘Who should we follow?’: Factionalism plagues Pa-O politics
Source: Frontier Myanmar
The PNLO has joined the war against Myanmar’s junta, prompting a minor leadership crisis, but while that was swiftly resolved, a rival Pa-O group has only grown more powerful.
Myanmar Brings Old Spooks Out of Retirement to Reach Out to China
Source: Irrawaddy
Two former high ranking military intelligence officials—ex-Brigadier General Thein Swe and ex-Colonel Hla Min, who served under the previous Myanmar regime—met with two Chinese think tanks in Beijing.
Analysis | Irrawaddy
Global Action Can End the Junta’s Violence
Source: Progressive Voice Myanmar
“It’s time for the world to step up and act on the Myanmar people’s calls to end the junta’s violence. How much more brutality must the people of Myanmar endure for the world to take their lives seriously and prove it through concrete action?
Weekly Highlight | Progressive Voice
Major Captured, 15 Killed as Myanmar Junta Outpost Falls in Chin State: CDF
Source: Irrawaddy
Combined Chinland Defense Forces (CDF) attacked the outpost on Monday as part of Operation Rung. Nine weapons, dozens of magazines, and landmines were also seized in the attack, CDF-Hakha said Wednesday.
Military Troops Ransack Businesses and Homes in North Gwa Township Villages
Source: Narinjara News
“They don’t care about anyone. They steal openly day and night. People didn’t believe troops robbed houses in Ku Lar Pyin before, but now that looting has happened in Satthwa village, locals are worried and afraid,” a resident said.
Narinjara News
Rumors Indicate Possible Forced Return of Loikaw IDPs in Nyaung Shwe by Next Summer
Source: Kantarawaddy Times
In southern Shan State’s Nyaung Shwe, displaced individuals from Loikaw who fled to the town may be repatriated by the military council as early as next summer.
Kantarawaddy Times
The Creation of New Constituent Units in the Myanmar Context
Source: Shan Herald Agency for News
In a fast-evolving landscape, Sai Wansai argues in this commentary that discussions need to intensify now to the challenges of constitutional change and ethno-political reform if inclusive solutions are to be found. Ethnic rights and justice are essential for future peace and stability.
Sai Wansai
Charity Leader Arrested in Junta Raid in Mandalay
Source: Irrawaddy
Around 20 plainclothes junta personnel arrived in civilian cars at the head office of Parahita Min Kaung a.k.a. M-Rescue in Aung Chantha village in Patheingyi Township, sources said. They arrested M-Rescue chairman U Khin Maung Tint and seven others including a 14-year-old child.
Myanmar: The World’s Longest-Running Conflict Needs the West
Source: Modern Diplomacy
After analyzing the Burma (Myanmar) war both from abroad and on-site for 20 years, this author’s view is that ending the conflict will require official Western recognition of the National Unity Government (NUG) and limited military support.
Antonio Graceffo
90 Rohingya refugees left stranded on beach in Aceh
Source: BARRON’S
Human traffickers left dozens of Rohingya refugees, including children, stranded on a shoreline in westernmost Indonesia on Thursday, while six dead bodies were found nearby, local officials said.
Agence France Presse