EURO-BURMA OFFICE ADDB Inc – Canada, Euro-Burma Office – Belgium, EBO Foundation – Chiang Mai
Securing the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor: Navigating Conflicts and Public Scepticism
Source: Fulcrum | ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute
Despite significant military setbacks for the Myanmar military, China continues to urge the SAC to accelerate the implementation of key China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) projects.
Commentary | KYI SIN
Venerable Nyar Na: The Monk in Sky Blue Robe & His Censored Buddhist Anarchism in Burma
Venerable Nyar Na was imprisoned for almost 16 years due to his unconventional views, which are radically different from the traditional views of Burmese Theravada Buddhism.
Hein Htet Kyaw
Chin Forces Attack Thantlang Town Police Station
Source: Khonumthung News
Salai Htet Ni, a spokesperson for the Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA), one of the groups involved in the attack on the police station said: “It’s true that there is intense fighting in Thantlang [Town] today.
Khonumthung News
KIA Seals Off House of Myanmar Junta-Allied Warlord After Seizing Pangwa
Source: Irrawaddy
The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) has sealed off the house of junta-aligned militia leader Zahkung Ting Ying in his hometown of Pangwa on the Chinese border after taking control of the town, according to KIA spokesman Naw Bu.
KIA Captures Second BGF Battalion Headquarters
Source: Burma News International
The BGF still hold the Battalion 1001 base in Nuzungbaung Village and the nearby town of Phimaw which is administered by Battalion 1002. It also still holds Kan Paik Ti Town which is administered by Battalion 1003.
Myitkyina Journal
Explosion at Chinese Consulate in Myanmar Follows Beijing’s Growing Acceptance of Junta
Source: China Dogital Timesl
There is a long history of public protests in front of Chinese diplomatic missions in Myanmar, dating back to deadly riots in 1967.
Arthur Kaufman
U Aung San Oo seeks re-auction of historic family property on University Avenue, Yangon
Source: Mizzima
On 22 October, representatives of U Aung San Oo submitted a motion at the Kamayut District Court to re-auction the historic family property located at No. 54, University Avenue Road, Bahan Township, Yangon.
Why ASEAN Dialogue Initiatives With Myanmar Will Fail
Source: Irrawaddy
Indonesia and Malaysia are floating new concepts of “talks about talks” (pre-talks) and the old concept of “all-inclusive dialogue” and at the same time packaging that as a continuation of the Five-Point Consensus agreement.
Igor Blazevic
Polarisation, beauty pageants, and identity in the Myanmar Spring Revolution
Source: Myanmar Now
Heated debate over Myanmar contestant’s entry into an international beauty contest highlights political divides
Nyi Nyi Kyaw
Myanmar hosts 42nd ASEANPOL Conference
Source: Eleven Media Group
The theme of the 42nd ASEANPOL Conference is “Strengthening Regional and Global Partnerships to Combat Transnational Crime.” The conference, which started on 22 October, will continue on 23 and 24 October
Eleven Media Group
Plains of war: Into the Kalay fray
Source: Frontier Myanmar
A journey from the Chin hills to the Sagaing plains with arms dealers and rebel commanders reveals the turmoil of Myanmar’s civil war – and the steep price of victory.
What is Burmanization?
Burmanization is a form of oppressions that minority ethnic communities across Burma had to endure for centuries. It became more severe and developed into a state oppression after the BSPP regime (Burmese Way to Socialism) was established.
Hein Htet Kyaw
China’s Diplomatic Missions Have Troubled History in Myanmar
Source: Irrawaddy
The attack on the Chinese Consulate in Mandalay on Oct. 18 was the second on a representative office of the Chinese government in Myanmar in their 74 years of diplomatic relations.
Maung KAVI
Anti-junta Groups Ask ASEAN and International Communities to Address Myanmar’s Crisis
Source: Shan Herald Agency for News
According to the anti-military junta groups, they asked ASEAN members and worldwide communities to take part in the following:
Hurn Kayang
As The World Looks Away, Myanmar’s Junta Launches Another Wave of Revenge Atrocities
Source: Irrawaddy
A column of junta troops is decapitating and disemboweling civilians in the resistance stronghold of Sagaing Region again.
Hein Htoo Zan
Mass killings and atrocities by junta in Budalin township, Sagaing Region
Source: Mizzima
Villagers described horrific scenes where bodies were mutilated, heads were hung on walls, and individuals were dismembered. Some were even burned alive, according to the Budalin Township People’s Administration.
Xi Faces Dilemma as Consulate Blast Sparks Fear of Myanmar Chaos
Source: Bloomberg
It’s unclear who was responsible for the incident, which was quickly condemned by the junta and pro-democracy forces. Both sides have been angered by recent actions from China under President Xi Jinping.
Philip J. Heijmans; Khine Lin Kyaw
Inside Myanmar’s civil war: ITV News given rare access to rebel forces
Source: ITVX
The spokesman for the KNLA and KNU (Karen National Union) told us that the British Government, in particular, bears a responsibility. The British ruled Burma – Myanmar’s former name – for more than 100 years. The country gained its independence from colonial rule in 1948.
Debi Edward
The need for a unified National Unity Government amidst China’s meddling
Source: Democratic Voice of Burma
If the EROs and the NUG were to create a unified revolutionary government, the popular legitimacy of the NUG could shift from a theoretical idea to a practical reality, potentially establishing it as a genuine union government of the revolution.
Myo Yan Naung Thein
China undermines its interests by boosting support for Myanmar’s faltering junta
Source: Radio Free Asia
Ideology, analytical blinders and wishful thinking are putting China on the wrong side of history.
Commentary | Zachary Abuza
Ineffectual Laos shows ASEAN’s limits on Myanmar conflict
Source: Radio Free Asia
Laos’ ASEAN chairmanship underscores the bloc’s inability to deal with regional issues without outside help.
Commentary | David Hutt
China Shuts Border as Kachin Fighters ‘Seize Pangwa’
Source: Irrawaddy
The KIA previously said it was attacking pro-junta positions outside Pangwa, and now the armed group seems to have taken control of the town. One Pangwa resident said: “The KIA has seized the town. Their troops are inside.”
MYANMAR PEACE PROCESS CONUNDRUM: China’s lopsided coercive push and ASEAN’s slow-moving 5PC persuasion
Source: Shan Herald Agency for News
Lately ASEAN has vowed to tackle the Myanmar’s civil war situation just like the way it has undertaken since 2021 that is centered on 5-Point Consensus (5PC) and parallel to it China. First, let us look at how the ASEAN is coping with after more than three years of tackling the issue.
Sexual abuse and violence worsens in Myanmar factories: activists
Source: Radio Free Asia
Myanmar garment factory worker Win Lae was shocked when she heard that colleagues at the Chinese-owned factory where she used to work were being offered money in exchange for sex with Chinese technicians and buyers.
Kiana Duncan for RFA
Who Bombed the Chinese Consulate in Myanmar’s Mandalay?
Source: Irrawaddy
The Chinese Consulate in Mandalay’s Chanmyathazi Township is a fortified one. The compound is sealed off to the outside with a high fence while police are on sentry. CCTVs record anyone passing the premises. The two-story building has its own security system inside and outside.