EURO-BURMA OFFICE                    ADDB Inc – Canada, Euro-Burma Office – Belgium, EBO Foundation – Chiang Mai


Don’t fall for the fake election in Myanmar

Source: East Asia Forum

This attempt to gain spurious legitimacy would be laughable if not for regional governments’ interest in returning Myanmar to some form of ‘normalcy’. The international community has left ASEAN to lead in addressing the Myanmar crisis, with very little progress made.

Mi Kun Chan Non; Ashley South

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“Military Successes With Unresolved Federal Puzzles”

Source: Myanmar Peace Monitor | Burma News International

The absence of a majority among the allied forces that contributed to military successes in drafting and approving the Federal Democracy Charter by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) underscores the need to renegotiate political agreements for future state-building efforts.

Analysis Paper | Myanmar Peace Monitor

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