EURO-BURMA OFFICE ADDB Inc – Canada, Euro-Burma Office – Belgium, EBO Foundation – Chiang Mai
In Chin State Census Collection Only Attempted in Three Towns
Source: Burma News International
The junta discreetly carried out a limited census in wards of the Chin State state towns that it controls, Hakha, Falam and Tedim, but the way census data is being collected is irregular and haphazard.
Khonumthung News
Resistance Hails Huge Blow for Myanmar Junta in Pinlebu
Source: Irrawaddy
Over 50 anti-regime groups from Kawlin, Pinlebu, Wuntho, Katha, Kantbalu, Kale, Shwebo, Mawleik, Sagaing and Yinmabin townships took part in the joint operation from Kawlin, Kantbalu and Katha (3K) districts.
Saw Lwin
Military junta in Myanmar has lost legitimacy, but not power
Source: La croix international
“The revolution will win!” In a bold act of defiance against the Myanmar military junta, tens of thousands of people in the city of Mandalay followed the October 9 funeral procession of the famous “hero of democracy” Zaw Myint Maung, 72, who died of leukemia two days earlier.
Dorian Malovic
UN must act to end Myanmar’s nightmare
Source: Herald Malaysia
The death of Myanmar is underway, and yet its resurrection is still possible if the international community acts.
Benedict Rogers
Karenni State government has been established as a “Federalism Model”: Karenni State leaders
Source: Myanmar Peace Monitor
The preliminary launch of the paper titled “Federalism from the Ground Up: The Karenni Model of Nation-State Building” took place on 9 October.
Network Media Group
Fighting Myanmar’s patriarchy, one all-male panel at a time
Source: Bangkok Post
A panel discussion in Myanmar about female leadership had two speakers. Both were male. Another talk, about how to stay safe from the military government’s deadly bombing campaign against civilians, featured four men and no women.
New York Times
Myanmar Crisis: ASEAN Alone Cannot Resolve The Situation
Source: Japan News
If the influence of Beijing and Moscow increases excessively, there is a risk that stability in Southeast Asia as a whole will be undermined.
Editorial | The Yomiuri Shimbun
China’s Complicity in Junta’s Airstrikes
Source: Progressive Voice Myanmar
Meanwhile, countries such as France, Germany, and Spain continue to do business with this Chinese company and remain silent on these unethical business arrangements for their own profit.
Weekly Highlight | Progressive Voice Myanmar
Examining the role of women in Myanmar’s Spring Revolution
Source: Democratic Voice of Burma
The male-dominated National Unity Government (NUG) and Bamar political elite speak about democracy. Yet, there can be no democracy when women, who are half of the population, cannot participate equally in it.
Moe Gyo
Urban guerrilla forces hit junta security gate and administrative office in Yangon
Source: Mizzima
An explosion targeted the junta’s security gate near Thamada Cinema in Dagon Township, and another attack was made on the No. 19 ward administrative office in Shwepyitha Township.
Census Enumerators Deliberately Under-Representing Ethnic People
Source: Karen News
Ethnic people are worried that they will be recorded in the ongoing junta-organised census as being Bamar because enumerators are deliberately putting down false information on census forms.
Karen News
Regime accused of using cluster bombs in Arakan State
Source: Development Media Group
The regime used two cluster bombs in a clash with the AA near the military’s Light Infantry Battalion No. 373 in Ann on October 10, according to sources close to the military.
Development Media Group
Myanmar is spiralling, warns UN chief in peace call to regional bloc ASEAN
Source: UN News
Amid escalating hostilities in Myanmar sparked by a 2021 military coup that have plunged millions into a deepening humanitarian crisis, UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday urged the country’s neighbours “to leverage their influence” to bring about peace.
UN News
Free Election Under Myanmar Junta ‘Impossible’: US Official
Source: BARRON’S
Any poll would “simply be an election that will return them [the military] to power,” said Van Schaack, who advises the US government on responses to war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
Agence France Presse
Don’t fall for the fake election in Myanmar
Source: East Asia Forum
This attempt to gain spurious legitimacy would be laughable if not for regional governments’ interest in returning Myanmar to some form of ‘normalcy’. The international community has left ASEAN to lead in addressing the Myanmar crisis, with very little progress made.
Mi Kun Chan Non; Ashley South
“Military Successes With Unresolved Federal Puzzles”
Source: Myanmar Peace Monitor | Burma News International
The absence of a majority among the allied forces that contributed to military successes in drafting and approving the Federal Democracy Charter by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) underscores the need to renegotiate political agreements for future state-building efforts.
Analysis Paper | Myanmar Peace Monitor
Beheaded bodies of 2 Buthidaung residents recovered
Source: Narinjara News
Two missing male residents of Buthidaung were recovered after they were killed and buried by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) terrorist outfit on 10 October, said a statement issued by the Arakan Army (AA).
Narinjara News
Chairman Colonel Hkun Okker organizes Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) (NCA-S)
Source: Eleven Media Group
Colonel Hkun Okker announced the formation of the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) (NCA-S) and his role is as chairman on October 9.
Eleven Media Group
East Asia Summit: S’pore urges Asean’s partners to ‘lean forward’ to help stop violence in Myanmar
Source: The Straits Times
“Asean will do its part but we need our external partners to lean forward as well,” said Prime Minister Lawrence Wong at the East Asia Summit (EAS) on Oct 11.
Tan Tam Mei
Resolving the Rohingya crisis needs a three-pronged diplomatic strategy
Source: The Business Standard
Bangladesh now needs to take proactive and well-coordinated action to stop the Rohingya migration and move towards the restoration of their rights
Dr Mohammad Tarikul Islam
Where does Myanmar’s junta get its munitions?
Source: Radio Free Asia
2 dozen factories churn out ordnance that the regime relies on to maintain power, defectors say.
RFA Burmese
Losing count: Chaotic census kicks off
Source: Frontier Myanmar
Myanmar’s military regime is conducting a controversial population count amid intensifying conflict, putting enumerators and respondents at risk.
Deaths and repression sideline Suu Kyi’s party ahead of Myanmar vote
Source: France24
Death, detention and dissolution have decimated Aung San Suu Kyi’s political party, easing the way for groups backed by Myanmar’s ruling military to claim victory at elections expected next year, analysts say.
Agence France-Presse
Fears Grow for Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi After Another Jailed NLD Leader Dies
Source: Irrawaddy
Alarm bells are now sounding over the health of all three politicians. Those imprisoned include 79-year-old State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in Naypyitaw, 71-year-old President U Win Myint in Taungoo Prison, and 83-year-old NLD patron U Win Htein in Obo Prison.
Maung KAVI
AA captures Mel Taung tactical operation command in Ann
Source: Burma News International
The Arakan Army (AA) announced on 7 October that their fighters captured the Mel Taung tactical operation command, one of the last remaining bases located outside of Ann town of Arakan State, along with all surrounding small military camps at 3:50 pm.