EURO-BURMA OFFICE                    ADDB Inc – Canada, Euro-Burma Office – Belgium, EBO Foundation – Chiang Mai


Progress lies beyond pre-coup order 

Source: Bangkok Post

It is now clear that Asean, preoccupied by its internal constraints, has missed two important developments: 1) the growing strength of Myanmar’s resistance and 2) the increasing involvement of non-Asean members in the resolution of the crisis.

Laetitia van den Assum; Kobsak Chutikul 

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Sham Census Counts for Nothing

Source: Progressive Voice Myanmar

The Myanmar military junta is desperately clinging to its decades-old tactics of terror and surveillance, kicking off a so-called “census” while still bombing civilians countrywide. 

Weekly Highlight | Progressive Voice Myanmar

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Strides toward harmony? 

Source: Millennium Post 

As Myanmar preps up for census preceding elections, the involvement of the pro-democracy National Unity Government (NUG)—currently in exile—is essential to tone down the prolonged civil war and uphold minority rights in Myanmar 

Dipankar Dey 

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The MSFC is committed to the goal of dismantling all forms of dictatorship, including the military dictatorship, and building a federal democratic union

Source: Myanmar Peace Monitor.

An interview with Mi Kun Chan Non, a member of the Mon State Federal Council (MSFC), about the MSFC’s position rejecting the military council’s invitation to resolve the political problems through political means.

Interview | Mi Kun Chan Non, member of the MSFC

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Supporting the People of Myanmar

Source: World Bank Group

The World Bank is providing direct support to the poor and vulnerable population through the Myanmar Community Support Project (MCSP) with financing from the from the Myanmar Partnership Multi-Donor Trust Fund ($22.5 million).

Brief | World Bank

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Is the Brotherhood headed to Mandalay?

Source: International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)

Unable to mount a meaningful counter-offensive, the regime’s core territory now lies exposed to the threat of direct attack by the Brotherhood Alliance and its partners.

Myanmar Conflict Update | International Institute for Strategic Studies

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