EURO-BURMA OFFICE                    ADDB Inc – Canada, Euro-Burma Office – Belgium, EBO Foundation – Chiang Mai

EBO Donors


EBO is currently funded by:



The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Sida is a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world. Through their work and in cooperation with others, SIDA contributes to implementing Sweden’s Policy for Global Development.



The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The essential task of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to work for Norway’s interests internationally, to safeguard the country’s freedom, security and prosperity.



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland

In accordance with the Government Programme, Finland’s security, welfare, and the keys for its success are founded on comprehensive cooperation with other states and international actors. The aim of Finland’s foreign policy is to strengthen international stability, security, peace, justice, and sustainable development as well as promote the rule of law, democracy and human rights.



The Swiss Confederation Department of Foreign Affairs

The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) formulates and coordinates Swiss foreign policy on the instructions of the Federal Council. A coherent foreign policy is a precondition for the effective protection of Swiss interests vis-à-vis foreign countries. The activity of the FDFA is based on the 5 foreign-policy objectives defined in the Federal Constitution: peaceful coexistence among peoples; respect for human rights and the promotion of democracy; safeguarding the interests of the Swiss economy abroad; relieving need and poverty in the world; preserving the natural environment.



    • The Royal Danish Embassy, Bangkok (Denmark)
      The Embassy carries activities through cooperation with the government, organisations and private enterprises and through cultural activities that promote the good relations between Denmark and Myanmar.

    • The European Commission (EU)
      The EC funded EBO via the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) programme, which is the concrete expression of the EU’s intention to integrate the promotion of democracy and human rights into all of its external policies.
    • Trocaire (Ireland)
      Overseas Trócaire delivers support through local partner organisations and churches, helping communities and families to free themselves from the oppression of poverty.

    • The Norwegian Burma Council (Norway) 
      The Council was established with the mandate to facilitate and channel Norwegian political and humanitarian support to the Burmese democracy movement, both within Burma and in exile. In 2001 the Norwegian Burma Council changed its name to the Norwegian Burma Committee.

    • The Institute for Public Administration (Ireland) 
      Irish national centre for development of best practice in public administration and management providing training and education programmes.

    • Evangelische Missionswerks (Germany) 
      Evangelical churches, mission agencies, free churches, missionary societies and associations have joined together and operate in different ways in the world as missionary, ecumenical and development-related cooperation with Christians and churches overseas.

    • The Dag Hammarskjold Foundation (Sweden)
      The mission of the Dag Hammarksjold Foundation is to catalyse dialogue and action for a socially and economically just, environmentally sustainable, democratic and peaceful world.

    • The National Endowment for Democracy (USA)
      The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world. Each year, with funding from the US Congress, NED supports more than 1,000 projects of non-governmental groups abroad who are working for democratic goals in more than 90 countries.

    • People in Need (Czech Republic)
      ‘People in Need’ is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation based on the ideas of humanism, freedom, equality and solidarity. ‘People in Need’ considers human dignity and freedom to be the basic values and believe that people anywhere in the world should have a right to make decisions about their lives and to share the rights expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    • The National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB)
      In late 1990, a group of NLD Members of Parliament, led by Dr. Sein Win was sent into exile in order to mobilise international support for Burma. The MPs, with support from the Democratic Alliance of Burma, the National Democratic Front, among others, formed the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB).

    • The Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) – through the Olof Palme International Center (Sweden)
      Sida is a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world. Through our work and in cooperation with others, we contribute to implementing Sweden’s Policy for Global Development (PGU).
    • The Danish International Development Agency (Danida) through the Danish Burma Committee (Denmark)
    • Danish foreign aid and international development funds are distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs known as the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA).


  • 2014-2015 budget: Euro 6.5 million
  • 2012-2013 budget: Euro 4 million
  • 2009-2011 budget: Euro 4 million
  • 2005-2008 budget: Euro 2.4 million
  • 2004-2005 budget: Euro 0.3 million
  • 2003-2004 budget: Euro 0.8 million
  • 2000-2002 budget: Euro 0.75 million
  • 1999-2000 budget: Ecu 0.1 million
  • 1997-1999 budget: Ecu 0.9 million




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