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Opinion Papers

China’s Current Stance On Myanmar

Source: Shan Herald Agency for News

Chinese top leaders had a closed-door meeting last month to discuss matters concerning Myanmar. China has become more concerned about the management capabilities of the military-led State Administration Council (SAC). 

By Hurn Kayang

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Accountability for crimes committed against Rohingya is critical for future peace, says Head of the Myanmar Mechanism during Bangladesh visit

Source: Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar

Pursuing justice for crimes committed against the Rohingya is critical for their future return to their homes in Rakhine State in Myanmar and future peace, said Nicholas Koumjian, the Head of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar

Press Release | Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar

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Burma’s Army accused of chemical weapons use

Source: MercatorNet

For decades the Myanmar military has been accused of using chemical weapons, with recent allegations from ethnic resistance groups like the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)

By Antonio Graceffo, China economic analyst 

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