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Opinion Papers

Getting Ready For Tomorrow’s Myanmar – Analysis

Resource: East Asia Forum

Old certainties on the battlefields have been overturned by the proliferation of armed groups, including nimble guerrilla squads in central Myanmar and the widespread use, by all sides, of new combat technologies, including drones

By Nicholas Farrelly, Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the University of Tasmania

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States must enforce historic arrest warrants for Myanmar officials issued by an Argentine court 

Source: Special Advisory Council for Myanmar

The inclusion in the warrants of State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and then President U Htin Kyaw, who from 2016 to 2018 occupied the highest civilian positions in Myanmar under the 2008 Constitution, is unsurprising.

Statement | Yanghee Lee, Marzuki Darusman, Chris Sidoti | Special Advisory Council for Myanmar

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ASEAN’s misunderstood ‘Retreat Diplomacy’

Source: Asia News Network

At the Langkawi Retreat in January 2025, for instance, the tradition was not to immediately lock into a list of talking points and formal notes that must be discussed in unadulterated form by the ASEAN Leaders Summit in May 2025

By Phar Kim Beng, Professor of Asean Studies at the International Islamic University of Malaysia

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China Must Explain Defense of Myanmar Junta

Source: Irrawaddy

In late 2024, reports emerged that the Chinese authorities had arrested MNDAA leader Peng Daxun, leading to speculation that the group might have to withdraw from Lashio. Throughout last month, rumors persisted about an MNDAA retreat

Analysis | Wai Min Tun

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